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Apply for Service

New Owners 

The Application for Water Service - Owner form may only be completed by the legal recorded property owner(s).  This form may be completed online or downloaded and faxed, mailed, or delivered in person. In addition, a final escrow closing statement is required.  This can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or provided in person.

Proof of ownership is required to establish service.  If property ownership is not able to be determined, the following will be required before the meter can be unlocked:

  • Final Escrow Closing Statement
  • Copy of Recorded Grant Deed​

  For more questions, visit our FAQ page.

Physical Address
4176 Warbler Road
​Phelan, Ca 92371

Mailing Address
PO Box 294049
​Phelan, Ca 92329-4049

Phone: 760-868-1212
Fax: 760-868-2323



Application for Water Service

Sign Up/Continue Collection Service with CR&R or Declare Self-Hauler Status

Authorized Party cannot make changes to account. This Party is "Inquiry Only" and may receive information on balances, due dates and make payments only.

Water Disclaimer: The undersigned applicant, in consideration of being supplied with water service on the herein named premises, agrees to pay for the services, and further agrees to the rules and regulations of the Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District (District). This contract shall at all times be subject to changes or modifications by the District. Additionally: (1) District retains title to all water meters. District responsibility ends at customer side gate valve. District is not liable for any water use on the property, including leaks. (2) District does not guarantee continuous delivery of water on demand, and nor does it assume any responsibility for damages which may occur as a result of any interruption of water service. (3) District assumes no responsibility for pressure regulation of customer's water service. It is each customer's responsibility to install and maintain a pressure regulation device to safeguard their water system. (4) Delinquent accounts will be assessed a penalty and may be subject to disconnection of water service for non-payment. Additionally, the District reserves the right to place a lien on the property, pursue other collection measures, and charge any applicable fees related to recovering any unpaid balance. (5) Trustee Sale Only: If for any reason a Trustee Sale purchase is not finalized/recorded, any money paid on the previous account will be refunded in full, minus any water usage billed to the account during account set up. Please note, if a water lien has been released, a new lien filing fee of $55 will also be deducted from any refund.

*CR&R Collection Customer Acknowledgments: All solid waste must be separated into the appropriate cart or bin. Information on how to sort your solid waste is available on this website or by contacting us. Information on collection day(s)/time(s) will be provided when your carts or bins are delivered. Property owners are responsible for all unpaid charges; tenants may only sign-up for basic, 3-cart collection service unless written authorization for additional services is received from the owner of the property. By signing this form below, you are acknowledging these requirements. Rates effective 7/1/2024. Residential service is billed quarterly in advance. Residential bin service is billed monthly in advance.

*Self-Hauler Acknowledgements: As a self-hauler, you must sort trash, recycling, and organics before going to the dump. You may change from a self-hauler to a CR&R collection customer but will need to complete a new application. By signing this form below, you are acknowledging these requirements.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature. I also understand that I must submit a photo/copy of my ID for verification.

Use of Property Questionnaire - In order for the District to comply with water use standards that are to be set by the state in the future, we need to obtain a more complete understanding of the factors that determine water usage in our service area. Special considerations may include swamp coolers, medical necessity, or livestock. Please complete the following questionnaire as thoroughly as possible.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature. I hereby, certify that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that use inconsistent with normal household usage could lead to the requirement to upsize the meter and/or pay additional connection fees based on actual usage. Further, I understand my service can be disconnected for violation of the District's Rules and Regulations.

Acknowledgement of District Water Conservation Measures and Restrictions

I understand that I have the right to use my property in any legal way as permitted. I understand that making certain choices may affect my water use and that any use that falls outside of the definition of beneficial use, or use that violates the District's Ordinance 2021-02, may be subject to fines, additional water charges, shut off for violations, and /or the requirement to upgrade my meter size. The District is currently in Stage 2 of its water conservation ordinance which prohibits certain water wasting activities. Further, I acknowledge that I have received the following documents: "We Are Conserving! - Guide to the District's Ordinance 2021-02" (Found below)

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.
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Guide to District Ordinance 2021-02 We Are Conserving Water!.pdfDownload/Complete Agreement
Landlords and Tenants (Water Service) 


The District must receive a notarized Tenant Authorization Form (unless form is completed by the legal property owner in the District office and District is presented with a legal form of ID) from the legal recorded property owner prior to establishing Tenant water service.  Under no circumstances will Tenant Water Service be established without a completed Tenant Authorization Form.

Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371

Mailing Address:
PO Box 294049
Phelan, Ca 92329-4049



Tenants (Water Service)

The Application for Water Service - Tenant form may be completed online by downloading the application below and submitting it to our office either by email at or in person in our office.

The District must receive a Tenant Authorization Form from the legally recorded property owner prior to establishing Tenant water service.  Under no circumstances will tenant water service be established without a completed Tenant Authorization form.

Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371

Application for Water Service

Authorized Party cannot make changes to account. This Party is "Inquiry Only" and may receive information on balances, due dates and make payments only.

The undersigned applicant, in consideration of being supplied with water service on the herein named premises, agrees to pay for the services, and further agrees to the rules and regulations of the Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District (District). This contract shall at all times be subject to changes or modifications by the District. Additionally: (1) District retains title to all water meters. District responsibility ends at customer side gate valve. District is not liable for any water use on the property, including leaks. (2) District does not guarantee continuous delivery of water on demand, and nor does it assume any responsibility for damages which may occur as a result of any interruption of water service. (3) District assumes no responsibility for pressure regulation of customer's water service. It is each customer's responsibility to install and maintain a pressure regulation device to safeguard their water system. (4) Delinquent accounts will be assessed a penalty and may be subject to disconnection of water service for non-payment. Additionally, the District reserves the right to place a lien on the property, pursue other collection measures, and charge any applicable fees related to recovering any unpaid balance. (5) Trustee Sale Only: If for any reason a Trustee Sale purchase is not finalized/recorded, any money paid on the previous account will be refunded in full, minus any water usage billed to the account during account set up. Please note, if a water lien has been released, a new lien filing fee of $55 will also be deducted from any refund.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.

Use of Property Questionnaire - In order for the District to comply with water use standards that are to be set by the state in the future, we need to obtain a more complete understanding of the factors that determine water usage in our service area. Special considerations may include swamp coolers, medical necessity, or livestock. Please complete the following questionnaire as thoroughly as possible.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature. I hereby, certify that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that use inconsistent with normal household usage could lead to the requirement to upsize the meter and/or pay additional connection fees based on actual usage. Further, I under

Acknowledgement of District Water Conservation Measures and Restrictions

I understand that I have the right to use my property in any legal way as permitted. I understand that making certain choices may affect my water use and that any use that falls outside of the definition of beneficial use, or use that violates the District's Ordinance 2021-02, may be subject to fines, additional water charges, shut off for violations, and/or the requirement to upgrade my meter size. The District is currently in Stage 2 of its water conservation ordinance which prohibits certain water wasting activities. Further, I acknowledge that I have Received the following documents: "We Are Conserving! - Guide to District Ordinance 2021-02." (Found Below)

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.
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Guide to District Ordinance 2021-02 We Are Conserving Water!.pdfDownload/Complete Application
Tenants (Trash Service) 

Please note: If you live in Oak Hills, Victorville, West Cajon Valley, or Wrightwood, please contact CR&R to sign up for trash service. Those areas are outside of the District's service boundaries and have different requirements. 


NOTE: Tenants may sign up for 3-cart service ONLY.  Written permission from property owner is needed for other services.


New Customers

  • Complete the application form below for collection service.

Existing CR&R Customers

  • Complete the application form below verifying the service level you desire.
  • All materials must be separated into the appropriate container which will be picked up separately.



General Information

Sign Up/Continue Collection Service with CR&R

CR&R Collection Customer Acknowledgements: All solid waste must be separated into the appropriate cart or bin. Information on collection day(s)/time(s) will be provided when your containers are delivered. Tenants may only sign-up for basic, 3-cart collection service unless written authorization for additional services is received from the owner of the property. For questions about this, please contact us at (760) 868-1212.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.
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*Rates effective 7/1/2024.  Residential service is billed quarterly in advance.  Residential bin service is billed monthly in advance.


The Application for Water Service - Agent may only be completed by a licensed Real Estate Agent representing the agency or bank that holds legal title to the property to be served.  This form may be downloaded and faxedmailed, or brought into our office.

Proof of Property Assignment is required to establish service.


For trash service, please contact CR&R at (760) 868-6353

All past due balances must be paid in full.  Please contact customer service to determine if there is an outstanding balance due.

Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
​Phelan, Ca 92371

Mailing Address:
PO Box 294049
​Phelan, Ca 92329-4049

Phone: 760-868-1212
Fax: 760-868-2323


Application for Water Service

Authorized Party cannot make changes to account. This Party is "Inquiry Only" and may receive information on balances, due dates and make payments only.

The undersigned applicant, in consideration of being supplied with water service on the herein named premises, agrees to pay for the services, and further agrees to the rules and regulations of the Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District (District). This contract shall at all times be subject to changes or modifications by the District. Additionally: (1) District retains title to all water meters. District responsibility ends at customer side gate valve. District is not liable for any water use on the property, including leaks. (2) District does not guarantee continuous delivery of water on demand, and nor does it assume any responsibility for damages which may occur as a result of any interruption of water service. (3) District assumes no responsibility for pressure regulation of customer's water service. It is each customer's responsibility to install and maintain a pressure regulation device to safeguard their water system. (4) Delinquent accounts will be assessed a penalty and may be subject to disconnection of water service for non-payment. Additionally, the District reserves the right to place a lien on the property, pursue other collection measures, and charge any applicable fees related to recovering any unpaid balance. (5) Trustee Sale Only: If for any reason a Trustee Sale purchase is not finalized/recorded, any money paid on the previous account will be refunded in full, minus any water usage billed to the account during account set up. Please note, if a water lien has been released, a new lien filing fee of $55 will also be deducted from any refund.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.

Use of Property Questionnaire - In order for the District to comply with water use standards that are to be set by the state in the future, we need to obtain a more complete understanding of the factors that determine water usage in our service area. Special considerations may include swamp coolers, medical necessity, or livestock. Please complete the following questionnaire as thoroughly as possible.

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature. I hereby, certify that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that use inconsistent with normal household usage could lead to the requirement to upsize the meter and/or pay additional connections fees based on actual usage. Further, I understand my service can be disconnected for violation of the District's Rules and Regulations.

Acknowledgement of District Water Conservation Measures and Restrictions

I understand that I have the reight to use my property in any legal way as permitted. I understand that making certain choices may affect my water use and that any use that falls outside of the definition of beneficial use, or use that violates the District's Ordinance 2021-02, may be subject to fines, additional water charges, shut off for violations, and/or the requirement to upgrade my meter size. The district is currently in Stage 2 of its water conservation ordinance which prohibits certain water wasting activities. Further, I acknowledge that I have received the following documents. "We Are Conserving! - Guide to the District's Ordinance 2021-02"(Found Below).

I agree and understand that my electronic signature below is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature.
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Guide to District Ordinance 2021-02 We Are Conserving Water!.pdfDownload/Complete Application
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