Apply for Service
The Application for Water Service - Owner form may only be completed by the legal recorded property owner(s). This form may be completed online or downloaded and faxed, mailed, or delivered in person. In addition, a final escrow closing statement is required. This can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or provided in person.
Proof of ownership is required to establish service. If property ownership is not able to be determined, the following will be required before the meter can be unlocked:
- Final Escrow Closing Statement
- Copy of Recorded Grant Deed
For more questions, visit our FAQ page.
Physical Address
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371
Mailing Address
PO Box 294049
Phelan, Ca 92329-4049
Phone: 760-868-1212
Fax: 760-868-2323
Guide to District Ordinance 2021-02 We Are Conserving Water!.pdfDownload/Complete Agreement
The District must receive a notarized Tenant Authorization Form (unless form is completed by the legal property owner in the District office and District is presented with a legal form of ID) from the legal recorded property owner prior to establishing Tenant water service. Under no circumstances will Tenant Water Service be established without a completed Tenant Authorization Form.
Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371
Mailing Address:
PO Box 294049
Phelan, Ca 92329-4049
Tenants (Water Service)
The Application for Water Service - Tenant form may be completed online by downloading the application below and submitting it to our office either by email at or in person in our office.
The District must receive a Tenant Authorization Form from the legally recorded property owner prior to establishing Tenant water service. Under no circumstances will tenant water service be established without a completed Tenant Authorization form.
Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371
Please note: If you live in Oak Hills, Victorville, West Cajon Valley, or Wrightwood, please contact CR&R to sign up for trash service. Those areas are outside of the District's service boundaries and have different requirements.
NOTE: Tenants may sign up for 3-cart service ONLY. Written permission from property owner is needed for other services.
New Customers
- Complete the application form below for collection service.
Existing CR&R Customers
- Complete the application form below verifying the service level you desire.
- All materials must be separated into the appropriate container which will be picked up separately.
*Rates effective 7/1/2024. Residential service is billed quarterly in advance. Residential bin service is billed monthly in advance.
The Application for Water Service - Agent may only be completed by a licensed Real Estate Agent representing the agency or bank that holds legal title to the property to be served. This form may be downloaded and faxed, mailed, or brought into our office.
Proof of Property Assignment is required to establish service.
For trash service, please contact CR&R at (760) 868-6353.
All past due balances must be paid in full. Please contact customer service to determine if there is an outstanding balance due.
Physical Address:
4176 Warbler Road
Phelan, Ca 92371
Mailing Address:
PO Box 294049
Phelan, Ca 92329-4049
Phone: 760-868-1212
Fax: 760-868-2323