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Compliance with Ralph M. Brown Act

The District conducts meetings in full compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act).  The Brown Act embodies the idea that public agencies exist for the purpose of conducting public business and that meetings should be open and public whenever possible and when legally required.
To comply with the Brown Act, meeting agendas are posted in the District's office window (which is accessible 24 hours per day) for public display at least 72 hours before a Board or standing committee meeting.  The District maintains a distribution list and provides notices of posting, agenda materials, and other information that is distributed to the Board.  All meetings are held within District boundaries.
By law, requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, that are directed to the District's General Manager at least 24 hours prior to a meeting are complied with to the best of the District's abilities.

In addition to the requirements set forth by the Brown Act, the Board imposed requirements upon itself which allowed greater access to its meetings that prescribed by the Brown Act to demonstrate a dedication to the highest standards of integrity and accountability so as to continue to earn the trust and confidence of the public served by the District.

Per Ordinance No. 2022-01; Establishing Guidelines for the Conduct of District Public Meetings and Activities, the Board allows five minutes of public comment at each Board and standing committee meeting.  At each meeting, five copies of the agenda packet are provided for public use.  Agendas are posted at the District's two community centers and on the District's website.  In addition to the requirements set forth by Ordinance No. 2019-01, the Board approved for the agenda, the agenda packet, meeting minutes, meeting audio, and other meeting content to be maintained on the District's website for public use 24 hours per day.

Visit the following links for more information:

Sunshine Ordinance - Conduct of District MeetingsMinutes Authorizing Posting on District Website
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